“So don’t be misled, my dear brothers and sisters. Whatever is good and perfect comes down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow. He chose to give birth to us by giving us his true word. And we, out of all creation, became his prized possession. James 1:16-18 NLT
With the winds of change, the shadows move from place to place. Sometimes we fear what may happen in our lives as a result and we cry out to God to save us. But as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ it is important to remind ourselves that our God never changes! No matter what happens in our personal lives or in our country; our God sends His good and perfect gifts to His children, even in the midst of chaos and tribulation. The stress that is caused when circumstances spiral out of control can send even the strongest Christian into a tail spin, if they don’t understand this truth.
This is a key tactic of the enemy to get our focus off of the promises of God and onto our circumstances. He knows that if he can get the children of God to fear a dreadful outcome; we will scurry around trying to get ready for what we perceive to be pending doom. Look at what happened with Y2K! Christians all around the world spent millions of dollars preparing for what was sure to be the biggest disaster in recent history. Even Christian leaders were warning the people to get ready! Like good little lambs following their shepherds; they listened to their advice.
As a result, the unsaved world looked at Christians as fanatical crazy people! They ran from them when they came to warn them of the impending doom. Though many non-Christians prepared for Y2K it was the Christian community that sent the world into a frenzy; prophesying a horrible fate was in store at the stroke of midnight, on January 1, 2000. It never happened!
While signs of the end times are manifesting, no one knows for sure the day or hour of Christ’s return. And no one knows for sure how the end times will play out. Some believe we will suffer and others believe we will be whisked away before tribulation occurs. One thing is very clear in the Scriptures and that is this. No matter how it plays out we do not have to be afraid; for the goodness of God is always present in the lives of His children. He is the perfect Shepherd and the only one who knows where to lead us in times of trouble. We have to make a concentrated effort to put our faith, hope, and trust in Him to perfectly guide us through every wind of change.
No matter what the news reporters tell us or what we perceive to be the truth; there is only One who really knows the outcome. And it is in him where we are to live, and move, and have our being! No weapon of destruction formed against the believer can prosper! That includes personal, professional, governmental, or world weapons. God’s Word is the only steadfast and sure thing in this life! All other things will pass away. Remember what Jesus said in Matthew 24:35-36. “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away. “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only.”
My encouragement to you today is to meditate on these words from James 1 and Matthew 24, so that you will have a steadfast and unwavering faith. This will help you to believe in the goodness of God that comes down from heaven during times of trial and tribulation. Meditate on the only thing that is constant and unchanging; the Word of God! If a shadow of change is present in your life turn to the One where there is no shadow of turning; Jesus Christ! To end today’s devotional the Holy Spirit gave me a poem to share with you as the prayer for today. Feel free to copy it and post it as a reminder of God’s unchanging nature!
When a new day is on the horizon and the dawn breaks forth with light, We have an assurance of this one thing; our God never changed in the night! He is the same yesterday, today, and forever; and in Him no variance is found. So have no fear in the morning when you see a shadow cast on the ground. And during the day when trials come and you fear what might happen next,
Remember it is the goodness of God that is in store for you, And in you, His Word He perfects.
So no matter what your eyes may see, or your ears may hear; it is your heart That must understand.
The Father of lights dispels the darkness, and upholds you with His right hand. He will never leave you nor forsake you; you won’t ever walk this earth alone, For He delights in caring for His prized possessions; from this day forth, and forevermore!
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