Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Day 68

In The Presence Of My Enemy, Jesus Prepared A Tableland For Me!

“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;” Psalm 23:5a NKJ

In the desert, in the presence of his enemies, David came to understand who God was as his Shepherd. He learned to trust in Him to lead, guide, provide, and protect him. David also learned many lessons and he discovered the gifts and talents that God had given him; to use for His purpose one day. It was in the desert, in the presences of his enemies, where David learned to listen to the voice of his father/Father. This led him to listen when Jesse called him to be anointed by Samuel. It was in the desert, in the presence of his enemies, where he learned to play the harp. This was the instrument he was called to play for Saul. It was in the desert, in the presence of his enemies, where he learned to be a warrior. This prepared him to lead a mighty army. It was in the desert, in the presence of his enemies, where he learned to be a shepherd. This prepared him to be the king. And it was in the desert, in the presence of his enemies, where he learned to have a heart after God. This led him to repentance and to fulfill his calling and purpose in life. And it is in our desert places, in the presence of our enemy, where God will do the same for us; if we are willing to listen and obey Him as David did.
Sometimes we want the blessings of God to instantly appear and we want to fulfill our purpose and destiny right now! We don’t like the desert places and we don’t like facing our enemy, the devil.

Oftentimes we pray for God to rescue us from the desert and we never learn to battle the enemy when he attacks. As a result we oftentimes miss the lessons God wants to teach us, and we don’t take the time to discover our gifts and talents. The desert places seem too hard and we would rather avoid them. But David didn’t fight being in the desert and he didn’t fear his enemies. It was through all David went through in learning to be a shepherd, and all he encountered along the way; that led him to his destiny. His choice to follow the leading of His Shepherd, in the desert, in the presence of his enemies, led him to his calling and purpose in life. We must remember that it wasn’t until after he walked out his mission of being a shepherd that David was appointed king. In our desert places in life, when nothing looks like it is going our way, we have to become like David. We have to understand that God has an appointed time for everything He has set forth to accomplish through our lives and our ministries. And no enemy of defeat, difficulty, failure, sickness, or attack can harm us. He is with us, preparing a table for us in the presence of our enemy, the devil, and the devil cannot touch God’s anointed.

What did David mean by saying, “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies” and how does it apply to us today? This is not referring to a table like the ones we eat at. It is referring to the table mesas or plateaus where the shepherds took their flocks to graze after the winter months had past. The shepherd would prepare the pastures on top of the plateau and get them ready for the sheep to graze. It meant clearing the grass of poisonous weeds. It meant killing predators that were lying in wait for the sheep. It meant preparing the watering holes where the sheep would drink. David trusted that God would do the same thing for him. He trusted God in every aspect of his shepherd’s life. He trusted that God would go before him and prepare the way. This is where his confidence came from when he faced Goliath on the battlefield! He knew who he was and whose he was, and he didn’t doubt or fear that God was with him. He knew that God had gone before him and prepared the way!

In 1 Samuel 17:34-37 David says, “But David said to Saul, “Your servant used to keep his father’s sheep, and when a lion or a bear came and took a lamb out of the flock, I went out after it and struck it, and delivered the lamb from its mouth; and when it arose against me, I caught it by its beard, and struck and killed it. Your servant has killed both lion and bear; and this uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of them, seeing he has defied the armies of the living God.” Moreover David said, “The LORD, who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear, He will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine.” And Saul said to David, “Go, and the LORD be with you!” We have to believe by faith that God has done the same for us and that our Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ, has prepared the way!

Can you see it? Do you comprehend? At the Cross Jesus defeated the devil! His sacrifice of love for us prepared the way for us to get through the desert places in our lives, and we do not have to fear the enemy who assails attacks against us! In the presence of our enemy, the devil, Jesus has prepared a tableland for us! In Him our needs our met! In Him we find our rest and peace! In Him flow rivers of living water! In Him our souls are restored! In Him we walk on paths of righteousness for His name’s sake! In him the shadow of death cannot harm us! In Him the rod of His Word has power! In Him the Holy Spirit is our guide! It is in Jesus Christ alone where we live, and move, and have our being! We have to come to the place in life where we trust in our Good Shepherd the way that David did! This is when we will discover who God has created us to be and we will discover His plan and purpose for our lives!

Prayer: I believe by faith that You have gone before me and prepared a way for me to fulfill my purpose in life. I believe You have defeated my enemy and equipped me to get through the desert places in safety. I stand strong in the measure of faith You have given me, and I believe You have a great and mighty purpose for my life! I will follow You leading and learn from You in the desert places and I will discover my gifts and talents as I do. I will also be strengthened in my inner man and be prepared to fulfill the purpose You have for my life! Amen

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