“I also pray that you will understand the incredible greatness of God’s power for us who believe him. This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honor at God’s right hand in the heavenly realms. Now he is far above any ruler or authority or power or leader or anything else—not only in this world but also in the world to come. God has put all things under the authority of Christ and has made him head over all things for the benefit of the church. And the church is his body; it is made full and complete by Christ, who fills all things everywhere with himself.” Ephesians 1:19-23 NLT
Do you understand the incredible greatness of God’s power? Do you feel whole and complete in Christ? Do you recognize the wholeness of Christ operating in your life and in the body of Christ? Do you feel the presence of Christ in everything you do and everywhere you go? The sad truth is that most Christians are desperately searching for these things without ever realizing they have already been given to them!
When something is made full and complete it means it lacks nothing! When something is filled completely it means there is no more room for anything else! So if Christ has made His body full and complete and has filled everything everywhere with Himself; why aren’t more Christians walking in the greatness of God’s power? Why are they still wavering and not living an empowered life of faith? The answer to these questions is quite simple. They have never been taught or never taken the time to learn what it means to be a new creation in Christ! They don’t understand what it means to have the Spirit of Christ operating in their lives! They also do not understand that even before they gave their heart to Christ He was operating in their world and was present with them.
I am going to share a personal story that will help you understand the fullness of Christ in operation. It was a very unconventional event but it was the turning point in my life that gave me the ability to begin to see the fullness of Jesus Christ in every circumstance. I was also able to begin to understand the greatness of God’s power at work in my life, even during past events that were traumatic. The revelation I walked away with gave me new wisdom and understanding that has dynamically changed my view of God and it has empowered me to look at life differently. My prayer is that you will be empowered as you read it and that you will ask God to do the same thing for you so you can better understand who He is, and the greatness of His power in the earth.
Some time ago I went to see a friend, who is a counselor, because there were a few issues from my past that were holding me back. When I sat with her she told me what the session would consist of. It was nothing at all what I expected to hear. She said she was going to have me bring the event to mind and then I was to meditate on the event for several minutes. At first it was uncomfortable because I didn’t like the images that came to mind. I became restless and anxious! She asked me to share what I was seeing. As I spoke I began to cry. It was very painful and I wanted to run out of her office. Then she asked me to shift my mind’s eye to other parts of the room. She asked me to tell her what I saw. As my mind’s eye drifted to other images in the room a sense of peace came over me. Then she asked me what I was sensing and what I was seeing.
What I am about to share was the turning point that helped me begin to experience the fullness of Christ and to understand the greatness of God’s power. I told her that I felt the presence of Jesus in the room. She asked me to look around until I saw Him. To my utter amazement I saw Him right next to me. She asked me what He was doing. I told her He was telling me how much He loved me and that He would never leave me! I know that might sound strange but it is 100% true! I opened my eyes and asked her what in the world just happened? She explained the truth of what Ephesians 1:19-23 reveals. At that moment the spirit of heaviness lifted and the stronghold from the past traumatic event was broken! When the session was through I wept tears of joy! I walked out of her office a completely different person and have never been the same since! Every day since that session I have been able to see the fullness of Christ in every circumstance and event! I have felt the presence of Christ in the midst of every situation which has changed the way I view life!
I have been able to understand the greatness of God’s power and have been able to shift my focus to seeing with my spiritual eyes, instead of just seeing with my physical eyes! I have been empowered to ask for the Holy Spirit’s help every time I encounter a difficulty or trial. I ask Him to reveal where Christ is in the midst of it. When I do this the peace that passes all understanding floods my heart and I do not become fearful and frantic like I used to. This has become a daily exercise of faith and there are days I still struggle with it, but the more I do it, the more I feel the greatness of God’s power operating in me! I no longer question if God is with me and I no longer fear what my physical eyes see or what I hear. I focus on the truth of who I am in Christ and who He is as the authority in my life!
Prayer: Give me complete understanding of who You are as the authority over all things. I believe by faith that as I seek You I will be able to see You operating in my life on a daily basis. I believe that the greatness of your power is mine through Jesus Christ and I will focus on Him when I face trials or when I remember past trauma. I choose to believe Your Word over my reality and I am assured by Your Word that when I do; my spiritual eyes will be opened to seeing You in operation in my life! I praise You for always being with me and for making me complete and whole in You. Amen
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