“There is much more we would like to say about this, but it is difficult to explain, especially since you are spiritually dull and don’t seem to listen. You have been believers so long now that you ought to be teaching others. Instead, you need someone to teach you again the basic things about God’s word. You are like babies who need milk and cannot eat solid food. For someone who lives on milk is still an infant and doesn’t know how to do what is right. Solid food is for those who are mature, who through training have the skill to recognize the difference between right and wrong.” Hebrews 5:11-14 NLT
For years I read this Scripture and spent time contemplating its meaning. I sought wisdom and understanding from the Holy Spirit because I wanted to make sure I was interpreting it right before I wrote about it or spoke of it. Many people came to mind when I read it including myself at times; but how do you explain something that appears to be a direct rebuke in a loving way? I knew that when God corrects His children, He corrects them in love. And it is the goodness of God that leads us to repentance, not the wrath of God. (Romans 2:4) So I knew I could not speak of it until I fully embraced God’s love and goodness for myself, and for others.
For years I kept silent and didn’t try to explain it. Then one day the Holy Spirit gave me a revelation that I knew was the answer to my prayer. This is where today’s devotional was birthed. As I share this revelation may you be built up and strengthened in your inner man. And may you receive these words of loving encouragement so you will know how to apply them to your own life, and how to share them with others. I want to start by asking you a question. Does a healthy, new born baby have the ability inside of them to operate a motor vehicle? At first you might say, “Absolutely no way!” But I want you to really think about the question before answering. Read it again. The answer is yes! They do have the “ability” inside of them to operate a motor vehicle. The problem is that they have not grown up and matured to the point where they learn how to execute the skills necessary to actually do it!
Now I want to ask a few more questions. If a toddler, who is learning to walk, only took a few steps each week; how long would it take them to learn how to run? If a college student only took one class a week, how long would it take them to earn a degree? If a person only went to work one day a week, how long would it take them to save for retirement? The answer to all of these questions is that it would take them a very long time. So long in fact that they may become frustrated in the process and want to give up or quit before they actually achieve their goals.
All of these scenarios apply to the believer who the writer of Hebrews is talking about in this passage of Scripture. First of all, every Christian has the “ability” to be a teacher on the inside of them by the power given to them by the Holy Spirit; through their relationship with Jesus Christ. The problem is that many Christians haven’t grown up and matured to the point of learning how to execute the skills necessary to teach. They have grown comfortable nursing and don’t have a desire to learn how eat solid food. As a result they continue to need to be taught the basic things of God’s Word. Therefore, they never grow up and mature in the wisdom and understanding (solid food) that the Lord offers them.
Now here is the explanation for why they have grown comfortable with the infancy stage of Christianity. Like the toddler, college student, and worker who only practice, study, or work, once a week; they have stunted their own growth by not taking more time to grow up and mature. For example, they go to church once a week and if the service goes even a few minutes over; they get frustrated. On the other hand if they attend a concert or sporting event that runs over, they get excited and wouldn’t leave for any reason. In other words their priorities of the amount of time they spend in fellowship are skewed.
Secondly, they do not spend time in the Word and give reasons like, “I can’t understand the Bible so I don’t read it,” or “I get confused because I don’t know if what I read is a literal command or a figurative example.” They also say things like, “I don’t know how to pray or what to pray, so I don’t spend time praying.” Or “I don’t know who to believe so I don’t go to any church. It is all so confusing, so I stay home.” They say things like, “I hate all the politics and the hypocrites, so I prefer to commune with God on my own.” These are just some of the reasons people give to justify staying in the infancy stage
of Christianity.
We have to understand that God is speaking to His people and He wants us to listen. He wants us to become empowered with His Word so we can execute His plan in putting the works of the devil to death. Unfortunately, many of His children have become spiritually dull and do not want to spend time with their teacher, Jesus Christ. When the teacher wants to speak through His Word, by His Spirit, through worship, or a church service; many of His students refuse to even enter the classroom. Many of the ones, who do enter, refuse to listen to His instructions because they think they are too hard to comprehend. As a result they get frustrated and give up without even trying. If this person is you I want to encourage you to ask the Holy Spirit to help you in your times of weakness. If you are a mature Christian I want to encourage you to pray for those who are stuck in the infancy stage of Christianity. In these times we need the entire body of Christ, working together as one body, to further the Gospel.
Prayer: I desire to know You and to understand Your Word. I believe by faith that as I sit in the classroom of my teacher, Jesus Christ, I will learn how to walk in accordance with Your Word. Please help me in my times of weakness because I want to grow up and mature in You. I praise You for being gentle with me and for leading me with Your goodness and love. I believe by faith that I will grow up and mature so I can become a teacher who instructs others in Your love through Your Word. Amen
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