“Commit your way to the LORD, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass. He shall bring forth your righteousness as the light, and your justice as the noonday.” Psalm 37:5-6 NKJ
What does it mean to commit your way to the Lord? The word commit means to entrust, hand over, give, assign, or place. In regards to this passage my favorite definition of commit is “to place officially in the custody of”. When I think of committing my way to the Lord in this way, my whole perspective changes about who is in control once I have committed my way to Him.
To help you better understand this let me give a personal example from my own life. When I placed my son for adoption 22 years ago and I gave custody over to the state, and then to the adoptive parents; I was no longer in control of my son’s life. There were times after that event where I wanted control back but I understood that being in control was no longer an option. I had made the loving choice to give him to the custody of his new parents and I had to entrust his life to them for eternity. While this may seem like a heart breaking reality it was actually one of the best learning experiences I have ever walked through and it gave me a deeper understanding of God and His incredible love for us!
It made me embrace what it means to commit my way to the Lord and to trust in Him; believing that everything He says in the bible, He will bring to pass in my life! I would love to say that I never struggled in this area again, but I have on several occasions. Over the years I tried to take back control in others areas of my life that I had committed to God as well! Only to realize within a short time, that the way I thought was right to go; led me in the wrong direction and away from my purpose and destiny every time!
I sought the Lord for wisdom once again and being the faithful father that He is, He answered me! One day when reading Proverbs 21:2, I stopped abruptly in my study! Then I went back and read it again. It said, “Every way of a man is right in his own eyes, but the LORD weighs the hearts.” This verse explained why I did what I had done and it also explained why it is best to always commit our way to God and to trust in him wholeheartedly!
When seeking which way we should go in times of peace, times of trial or times of temptation, only God weighs the heart of man; so only He knows what the desire in our heart is and how to lead us to it! When we commit our way to Him with a willing heart, He weighs the matters of the heart, and leads us in the direction of them each and every time!
In regards to responding in a Christ like manner when we have been wounded or hurt by others as I talked about in yesterday’s devotion Psalm 37:6 gives us the key to success in this area. It also gives us the key to being consistent when committing our ways to God in other areas as well. It says, “He shall bring forth your righteousness as the light, and your justice as the noonday.” Who is our righteousness and our justice? The answer is Jesus Christ and it is in Him and through Him where we are able to respond with His mind operating in us when we are wounded or hurt by others. And it is His strength operating in us that keeps us stable on the paths we have committed to God!
We have to remind ourselves daily that apart from Christ we can’t do anything! But in Him all things are possible to those of us who love Him, and in Him we can do all things! I want to encourage you to spend time meditating on this passage of Scripture. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you wisdom and understanding about what it means to commit your way to Him and to trust in Him through the power of Christ operating in you. If this has been a major area of struggle for you, seek out like minded believers and ask them to encourage you on this journey of faith you are embarking on. God is faithful and as you seek Him for wisdom He will give it to you in abundance!
Prayer: As I learn to commit my ways to You in every area of my life, remind me by Your Spirit that it is not by my might or my power, but by you operating in me. Give me an understanding heart and mind so I can receive Your words of love for me in regards to committing my ways to You! I praise You for granting me the desire of my heart in this area and I believe by faith that You will bring it to pass! Amen
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