“You anoint my head with oil;” Psalm 23:5b NKJ
In preparing the pasture for his sheep, a shepherd inspects the ground to see if there are any snake holes. Snakes are an enemy to sheep. While sheep graze, snakes come out of their holes and bite them on the nose. This bite can cause sickness and death, so the shepherd knows the importance of making sure the sheep are protected from the snake. If he finds a snake hole he will pour oil around the hole and in the hole. This keeps the snake from being able to crawl out of the hole to bite the sheep.
The other thing the shepherd does is pour oil on the sheep’s head. This is done for two reasons. One reason is to ward off flies and other insects from landing on the sheep and biting them, or from laying eggs in their eyes, nose, ears, or mouth. These too are enemies of the sheep. The second reason is a precautionary measure just in case the snake gets out of the hole. The oil on the sheep’s nose and mouth is a deterrent for the snake. The shepherd also uses oil on the wounds of the sheep as a healing ointment. So the question is: What is the significance of this practice as it pertained to David’s relationship with God as his Shepherd, and what is the significance to the believer’s life under the New Covenant of Jesus Christ?
David knew his responsibility in making sure his sheep were protected by the oil. He also knew the power of the oil to defend, protect, and heal! So when he was called to be anointed by Samuel he knew the significance of that event. At that point his view of God as his Shepherd took on a different meaning. From that day forward he trusted God in a whole new way! He knew the oil of God would defend him from his enemies, protect him from pestilence, and heal him from any wounds that he might suffer on his journey to his destiny. He also knew that the oil represented being set apart and called of God.
With this understanding he became empowered and confident in being chosen to be more than a shepherd of his father’s flock. I can imagine the elation he felt that day when he went back to tending the sheep! I can imagine the joy he experienced from that day forward, knowing he had been set apart and chosen by God for a great and mighty purpose! We can’t be sure of when David wrote some of his songs or poetry, but I would imagine many were written after this experience because he came to fully understand his relationship with God as his Shepherd.
Now for the beauty of the Cross and the significance of the oil as it pertains to our lives today. When Jesus becomes our Good Shepherd the oil represents the seal of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Until Christ’s return the devil is still in operation in the earth. But when we understand who we are in Christ and comprehend the significance of the Holy Spirit’s seal we have the confidence that David had after he was anointed. The fiery darts of the enemy are like the fangs of the serpent but our seal protects us from them. The cares of this world and daily annoyances are like the flies and insects for the sheep, but the Holy Spirit is the deterrent, when we walk under the anointing that has been placed on us. Though pestilence and disease may try to infect our bodies, the oil of the Lord is our healing ointment. This is why when a person is sick the elders of the church are called to pray and anoint them with oil.
In coming to understand who we are in Christ and the seal of the Holy Spirit we come to understand that no weapon formed against us can prosper! We also come to understand that we have been set apart for a great and mighty purpose just as David came to understand; after he was anointed by Samuel. This gives us the confident assurance that God will equip us for every good work and protect us as we accomplish it. This understanding will cause us to rise up like David did and sing joyful praise to God, for His incredible love for us through the sacrifice of our Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ! At the Cross everything changed and unlike David, we have been given the indwelling Holy Spirit! It is not by our strength or power but by the Spirit that we live, and move, and have our being! And we rise up together and sing; praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! We sing hallelujah glory be to our God most high who loves us with an everlasting love! Rise up today and lift up your voice in joyful praise for you are the anointed of God and you have been set apart for a great and mighty purpose!
Prayer: I praise You for giving me the indwelling Holy Spirit as my seal! I praise You for protecting me from the enemy! I praise You for anointing me and for setting me apart for a great and mighty purpose! May I come to fully understand who I am in You and may I stand with confident assurance that You have equipped me for every good work! I worship you in Spirit and in Truth and I am in awe of Your great and amazing love for me! Amen
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