“Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.” Psalm 23:4b NKJ
I am breaking this verse into two parts because a shepherd carried both a rod and a staff. Both instruments were used by the shepherd for the care and protection of the sheep. It is important to understand this as we look at who Jesus Christ is as our Good Shepherd and how He uses the rod (His Word) and the staff (His Spirit) to protect and care for us. David wrote this verse right after he wrote about the valley of the shadow of death, choosing not to fear evil, and reminding himself that God was with him. He was reminding himself that just as he had the equipment to safely guide and protect his sheep, he had to trust that God would use His rod and staff to do the same for him. David was comforted because he knew God would not fail him as his Shepherd. We have to believe the same thing about Jesus. Now here is something interesting to think about. In the natural David had the authority to use the rod, the ability to use it, and the skill to use it, but unless in that moment of danger he chose to overcome his fears and use it; he would put his sheep at risk of being stolen or killed. This would have resulted in his mission of shepherding the flock being destroyed!
What passage of Scripture comes to mind when you read that? Do you remember what Jesus said in John 10:10? “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” Do you remember that when Jesus was in the desert of temptation He didn’t overcome the devil with His might or power? He overcame him by using the rod (Word of God) as His weapon. The devil did everything in his power to deceive Jesus but Jesus overcame because He chose to use His authority, ability, and skill with the Word of God, to fight the devil when he tried to tempt Him. What does the Bible say is our offensive weapon against the devil? Ephesians 6:17 says, “And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;” Through Jesus, our Good Shepherd, we have been given authority to overcome the devil. If we are going to defeat the devil in his attempt to steal, kill, and destroy our lives, we have to put our trust in our Good Shepherd, the way David put his trust in God. Then it is our responsibility to exercise that authority, by becoming skilled at using our rod. (Weapon of warfare, which is the Word of God)
In the natural the shepherd’s rod was a piece of wood with a lump of wood at the end. It was used to fight off any animal or person who threatened his flock. But the shepherd also used the rod to correct the sheep when they strayed from the flock. It wasn’t used as a weapon against the sheep because it would have wounded or killed the sheep just like it did the predators. But when a sheep went astray they would throw the rod in the direction of the sheep. The sound of it whizzing through the air and hitting the ground would make the sheep turn around. It is important to understand that sometimes people say God uses His rod of correction (His Word) against us to bring us into submission through punishing us. This is inaccurate. He uses the rod of correction (His Word) to restore us to right thinking in reminding us who we are as new creations in Christ. When we go astray He uses it in the same way the shepherd uses the rod with his sheep. He sends forth His rod (Word) so we hear it and turn back towards Him.
Jesus said, “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand. My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of My Father’s hand. I and My Father are one.” (John 10:27-30) Whenever we go astray He speaks! If we know His voice and listen, we turn around! The problem is that many people do not know His voice because they do not spend time with Him, meditating in His Word. So when He speaks they ignore Him and continue to walk away. True submission to our Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ, is in taking the time to know and listen to His voice.
We must understand that throughout Scripture God used His rod (Word) to instruct His people in the way they should go. From instructing Abraham, Moses, David, Jesus, Paul, etc., God performed His Word in defeating the devil in his attempt to destroy His people, by speaking His Word through His people. We have to have a proper understanding of the rod because it is not an instrument of punishment used against us by God. Though in the Old Testament God punished His people; at the Cross God put His entire wrath of punishment on Jesus! He took the stripes on His back when He was beaten before He went to the Cross! Think about it. We can only find comfort in the rod (the Word) when we accept what Jesus Christ did for us at the Cross. Then we use the rod (the Word) to battle the lies of the devil when he tries to deceive us. I want to encourage you to meditate on this and ask the Holy Spirit to give you wisdom and understanding so you will be strengthened in your inner man and prepared to follow Jesus’ voice so you can fight against the devil when he tries to wage war against you.
Prayer: May I come to know your voice as You speak to me through Your Word. I believe by faith that as I listen to You, my Good Shepherd, You will protect me with Your rod (Word). Your rod brings me comfort and I am strengthened by it. I choose to meditate in Your Word so I will become skilled at using it to fight the enemy when he tries to deceive me or lead me astray. I praise You for being my Good Shepherd and for being faithful to guide me and protect me. Amen
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