“You will guard him and keep him in perfect and constant peace whose mind [both its inclination and its character] is stayed on You, because he commits himself to You, leans on You, and hopes confidently in You. So trust in the Lord (commit yourself to Him, lean on Him, hope confidently in Him) forever; for the Lord God is an everlasting Rock [the Rock of Ages].” Isaiah 26:3 – 4 AMP
I will never forget the first time I went Sturgeon fishing on the Columbia River, near Portland, OR. The plan was to launch downstream from the dam and make our way up river, in hopes of finding the perfect spot to drop anchor. We chose this location because it was the best place to catch the big Sturgeon. As we approached the dam I could see dozens of boats filled with fishermen all hoping to land a record catch.
But the closer we got, the more anxious I became because I had been told of the dangers of fishing near the dam. My anxious feelings were confirmed when I saw the signs and river markers warning fishermen not to cross a certain spot in the river; because of the swift currents that could pull them into the churning waters at the foot of the dam. All I could think was, “Are you kidding me? This is insane! No fish is worth taking a risk of losing my life!” I voiced my concerns but I was told to relax because they knew how to avoid being sucked into the current.
We pulled up as close as we could get to the warning signs and dropped the anchor. Within a few minutes we were stationary. We walked about the boat preparing to cast our lines into the river. Even though I quit voicing my concerns verbally, I was still nervous and scared. All I could think of was the possibility of the anchor coming lose, and being sucked into the treacherous current! I was snapped out of my thought when I was handed a fishing pole and told to cast the line into the water. After casting my line I sat down and waited. While sitting there I looked around at the other fishermen on the boats anchored close to us. They were laughing and having a great time! No one seemed to be anxious or nervous at the dangerous waters that surrounded them. It was as if they knew something I didn’t know.
After about an hour I felt a tug on my line! I stood up and began to reel it in. When I got it to the surface of the water the fish thrashed about trying to get free, but it lost the battle. As I pulled it on board I discovered I didn’t have just one Sturgeon on my line, I had two! I didn’t know it, but my line had been rigged with two hooks. So I was in shock when I saw those fish! They were small, but I didn’t care, because I had caught my first Sturgeon! After that catch I was excited and joyful! My anxious feelings left and I no longer focused on the dangers that surrounded me! I focused on the beauty of the experience and I was at peace in my mind!
I share this story because it draws a parallel to the instruction we are given in Isaiah 26:3-4. Fear is like the churning waters of the dam and the destruction of our peace lies just below the surface of fear. 2 Timothy 1:7 reminds us that we were not given a spirit of fear, so we know that fear is not a part of our spiritual makeup in Jesus Christ. Fear resides in our mind and we have a choice where we set the anchor of our mind. If we choose to set the anchor of our mind on the promises of God’s Word, God assures us that He will guard us and keep us in perfect peace, a safe distance from the treacherous waters of fear! When anchoring our boat that day we had to make sure that our anchor was securely imbedded in the rocks on the bottom of the river; so it didn’t come loose and release us into the current of the dangerous waters.
Isaiah 26:4 says, “So trust in the Lord (commit yourself to Him, lean on Him, hope confidently in Him) forever; for the Lord God is an everlasting Rock [the Rock of Ages].” We have to make sure our thoughts are firmly imbedded in the rock of Jesus Christ! This is the only way to stay out of the dangerous currents in the mind that lead us into the destructive waters of fear! If we do this we will partake in the peace that passes all understanding and experience joy even in the midst of life’s most difficult circumstances. Setting the anchor of our mind is our responsibility, just like it was the fisherman’s responsibility to set their anchors in the safe zone of the river. The rest is God’s responsibility. After we set the anchor in Him, He guards and protects us from the dangerous currents of the mind that lead to fear! He gives us perfect peace and fills us with the fruit of the Spirit!
Prayer: Today I choose to set the anchor of my mind in Your Word! I believe by faith that as I do this, you will guard and protect my mind from fear. I choose to focus on the promises of your Word, instead of the potential dangers in life that surround me. I praise you for giving me perfect peace in the midst of life’s turbulent waters! I choose to put my hope and trust in You today and every day! Amen
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