“Indeed the hour is coming, yes, has now come, that you will be scattered, each to his own, and will leave Me alone. And yet I am not alone, because the Father is with Me. These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” John 16:32-33 NKJ
In this passage Jesus is speaking to the disciples of the coming age of persecution and tribulation kind of trouble they will be facing because they are His disciples. But to those of us who are suffering or have suffered other kinds of trouble and distress this passage also gives great comfort. Jesus could have left His disciples with the foreknowledge of the tribulation that was to come, but He didn’t. He follows it by saying, “I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” The New Living Translation says it this way. “I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”
When we are facing any kind of trouble in life this passage is the anchor for the soul because it reminds us that Jesus understands what we have been through and what we are currently going through. He also understands what we will go through, and then He speaks of the provision He has made for us in it; so we don’t lose heart while we are going through it. That provision is His peace in us that reminds us He has already overcome the world! With the vision of Jesus overcoming the world we can focus our minds on the hope we have in Jesus that one day this present tribulation will pass and we will be reunited with Him to live eternity in a world that will be perfect, without trial or tribulation.
But it also gives us hope that while we are still on this earth and suffer; His peace has been given to us so we don’t lose heart and give up believing in His goodness, when we face tribulation of any kind. I remember the day this understanding was revealed to me like it was yesterday. It was Easter Sunday morning and we were heading to church. I was pregnant and anticipating the birth of my third child. At the time God had been working in me to heal me from anger issues from my past. We arrived at church and the sermon was titled, “It Ain’t Over Till The Fat Lady Sings”. I thought it was quite a strange sermon title for an Easter service but I just sat back in my chair and listened.
The pastor spoke about the men on the road to Emmaus in Luke 24 and the importance of opening our eyes to see Jesus in the midst of our circumstances so we are filled with hope, knowing He is with us and knowing there is a better day coming for those who believe by faith. It inspired me with the work God was doing in me with my anger issue, but as we drove home, I had no idea just how much I would need those words of encouragement later in the day. About an hour after church I felt cramping in my stomach and I went to the bathroom to discover I was in the midst of a miscarriage. At first my heart sunk in deep despair and I was filled with great sorrow.
I cried out and asked God, “Why me? Why now? Why this?” But as I sat there the voice of the Holy Spirit reminded me of the sermon and of John 16:32-33 and He spoke to me in a still and quiet voice. He said, “Holly, I love you so much that I gave my one and only Son and because you love me you will not perish. You have eternal life. The baby within your womb is also my child and he is now with Me. I understand your sorrow and pain and I am here to comfort you in this time of great sorrow. I give you My peace. You ask, why me? My daughter, you have not been singled out to suffer for I do not give you sorrow, I give you peace. It is a fallen world and until we are reunited all my beloved children will suffer tribulation, but it is not given by Me.
You ask, why now? I did not choose this day for death to enter your body. I chose today for the resurrection power of My Son to enter your body on this day. I have come that you would have life and have it to the full. This day is just a day, but my mercy for today is new and my grace for this day is sufficient. You ask, why this? I do not choose the tribulation you will walk through. Each of my beloved children will have to walk through all kinds of tribulation. I have told you to be prepared because you will walk through tribulation. But then I tell you to take heart, be encouraged, be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world and its tribulation. I know you are suffering right now and will suffer more because of this tribulation, but I want you to know that I am here with you. Look again at this tribulation and see me in the midst of it and I will bring comfort to your soul. I love you!”
Had it not been for that encounter with God that day my heart would have been filled with despair and I would have sunk into a great depression. But because He met with me on that road of tribulation and revealed Himself to me, I came out of the bathroom filled with hope, peace, and faith. When I broke the news to my family they were distraught but I encouraged them with the words the Holy Spirit spoke to me. They didn’t understand the peace I was filled with at first but over time they came to understand it and to accept it for themselves; which caused great peace to fill the atmosphere for our Easter dinner get together.
I know that many of you are facing tribulation and asking the same questions I did on that Easter morning, but today I want to encourage you to spend time with God and allow Him to speak to you in the midst of your tribulation as He did to me. He is faithful and He will speak! God loves you so much that He gave His only Son so that you will not perish. He is with you always, even in the midst of your tribulation, waiting for you to acknowledge His presence so that He can reveal Himself to you and encourage you. Whatever tribulation you are going through it is not given by God. Tribulation will be with us in this world until Jesus’ return; but take heart for He has overcome the world! Let His presence fill the atmosphere of your situation so He can comfort you and give you His peace in the midst of it.
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