“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His abundant mercy has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that does not fade away, reserved in heaven for you, who are kept by the power of God through faith for salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved by various trials, that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ,” 1 Peter 1:3-7 NKJ
It is true that various trials seem to have the power to cripple us and render us immobile because they are so overwhelming and the grief they initiate is so intense! I have come to realize that walking through the grief process is necessary for healing, but we are not called to sit down in our grief and make it a permanent residence. The genuineness of our faith is always tested in the midst of our trials and when tested through the stages of grief it bears witness to the true nature of our faith.
I hear many people give lip service to their incredible faith but when a trial comes they sit down in their grief, never to rise from the ashes of their pain. I used to be one of those people. But what I learned is that having genuine faith is not just a verbal proclamation. It is an inward steadfast belief in the assurance that the power of God is keeping us safe in the midst of life’s trials. We are going to face trials in life but these trials are not meant to deflate our faith. They are meant to prove our faith genuine and authentic. This is why James 1:2-3 says, “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.”
The word "testing" here is the same word used for the testing of metals in order to remove the impurities from the metal. A metal whose impurities are removed is stronger and its integrity is reliable. This word does not mean that God is trying to examine our faith to see if we can pass the strength test. He doesn’t work that way. But when we go through trials in faith, relying on the pure strength of our Savior Jesus Christ, and we put our faith in the living hope we have in Him; He proves our faith strong and reliable. The impurities of fear, doubt, and self reliance are removed and we enter the stage of patience.
Patience is a fruit of the Spirit that is identified in us when we allow it to have its perfect work in us through faith; knowing that IN Christ we are lacking nothing. When this is understood a person can move through their trial in faith and be found praising, honoring, and glorifying God through the revelation knowledge of Jesus Christ. When we make the decision in the midst of life’s trials to hand them over to God in faith, God becomes real and active in our lives. When we hold on to the grief and turn inward in our own pain, we deny God the right to do His perfect work of patience in us. This will lead us to come out on the other side of our trial and be found resentful, anxious, and in a mindset of hopelessness.
So how do we make the right decision that leads to praising, honoring, and glorifying God when we are faced with an overwhelming trial? We do it before the trial ever enters our life by meditating on God’s Word so that is already at work in us when the trial comes. Hebrews 4:12 says, “For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” A steadfast assurance of God’s power that keeps us strong in the midst of our trials only comes when our minds are fixed on the revelation of Christ at work IN us which is perfecting patience through removing the impurities of fear, doubt, and self reliance.
When we walk in the revelation knowledge of Christ In us and we keep our mindset in that truth then we are prepared to face the trial with a steadfast heart that is strong in the Lord and the power of His might. This is when we have clear vision and can discern the testing of our faith as a strength and integrity building exercise and not God trying to examine our faith to see if we really believe what He says is true. He is a loving God who works in us to remove those impurities so we are witnesses to the unsaved world. We are called to testify of His great faithfulness but that can only happen if we have a right understanding of our relationship with Him.
I want to encourage you to meditate on God’s Word in the down times so you are prepared to face the trials that will come into your life with a steadfast assurance of God’s power to keep you safe in the midst of it and His ability to move you through it in patience. If you will do this then when the trials come, you will be a living testimony of God’s faithfulness! You will move through the stages of grief filled with a hopeful expectation of Him working all things together for your good and you will not lose heart in the midst of it.
Prayer: Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be one and the same. Let my words be a reflection of my faith and not just a verbal proclamation. As I choose to meditate on Your Word open my understanding so I grow in my faith, knowing that the testing of my faith produces the patience I need to be steadfast in hope. I believe by faith that as I do this I will be found to be praising, honoring, and glorifying You in my revelation knowledge of who You are as my provider, protector, and Prince of peace! Amen
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