“Who has believed our report? And to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed?” Isaiah 53:1 NKJ
All of us know what it feels like to experience doubt. We try to shake the thoughts but they keep bombarding our minds. We read God’s Word and it says one thing, but then we hear other people’s reports and we find ourselves confused! We aren’t sure what report to believe. And so we begin to doubt. For years I hated my times of doubt and tried to fight it in my own strength. I thought I was somehow betraying God and that He would be disappointed in me, if I wrestled with doubt.
I would beat myself up mentally because I didn’t feel that doubt was something a “good” Christian should experience. For a long time I tried to live my life by the old saying, “God said it. I believe it. And that settles it.” Unfortunately that is easier said than done, as you know. It didn’t matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t overcome my times of doubt.
One day when reading the story of John the Baptist I discovered that even God’s elect suffered from times of doubt during their lives. I stopped reading and began to pray for God to give me wisdom and understanding in regards to doubt. My mind began to recount the different examples in the Bible where God’s people struggled with doubt. I went and read those stories. I realized a profound truth in my study. When we don’t fight doubt, but instead, work through it, God solidifies His Word in us as we open our mind to receive it.
Where we get trapped is when we allow our doubt to consume us, and allow it to direct us into unbelief. Doubt says, “I really don’t think that can happen.” While unbelief says, “There is absolutely no way that can happen!” Doubt says, “I don’t think I can get through this.” While unbelief says, “I won’t ever get through this.” But when we fix our eyes on the truth of God’s Word we begin to see that even the impossible becomes possible! In the story of the rich young ruler Jesus makes this truth clear in regards to salvation when the people asked Him, “who then can be saved?” Jesus replied, “The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.” Luke 18:27
It is important to understand that God isn’t afraid to be questioned when we are struggling with doubt! We are the ones who are afraid when we question God in times of doubt! We feel like He will disapprove of us, judge us, or deny us. Nothing could be farther than the truth! He is faithful all the time and He is never threatened by our doubting! Like a loving parent who gently leads their child into truth when they are in error, so God leads us; if we seek Him for understanding in times of doubt.
Let’s look at examples from the Bible of people who doubted and needed God to guide them into truth. John the Baptist, the forerunner of Christ, the one who proclaimed to the world, “Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” John 1:29, doubted! Even though he had seen with his own eyes, he doubted! At one point he sent his men to ask Jesus if He was the one, or if they should look for another. Job, whom the Bible says was blameless and upright, who feared God and shunned evil; doubted during his times of trouble.
Thomas doubted so much that he wouldn’t believe Jesus was resurrected until he put his fingers in the wounds on his hands and his hand in the wounds on his side. Thomas was a disciple who walked and talked with Jesus and saw Him perform miracles day after day! Then there was Elijah, the most powerful man of his day and he doubted after Jezebel threatened his life, and he ran away! Jeremiah was the best preacher of his day and he doubted! Are you beginning to see it? Everyone doubts from time to time, and it’s okay! It is what we do with our doubt that counts! And that choice determines if we are going to gain wisdom from God, or be like Zacharias, whose doubt turned into unbelief, as recorded in Luke 1.
When you are struggling in times of doubt don’t run from God with feelings of despair! Run to Him in hopeful expectation that He will dispel your doubts! He is faithful and the Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth when you work out your doubts with Him. I want to encourage you to seek God for wisdom and understanding the way I did. Read the stories for yourself and ask God to open the eyes of your understanding! If you will do this and stand in faith believing God’s report, while working through your doubts; His arm will be revealed in your situation.
Prayer: Today I choose to acknowledge my doubts and to bring them to You, so You can reveal Your report to me. I believe by faith that as I meditate on Your word and commune with You, the Spirit will lead me into all truth! I praise You for gently guiding me and directing me as I learn from You. I praise you as I stand in faith, believing Your report in my times of doubt, and I will rejoice when I see your arm revealed in my situation! Amen
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