Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Rejoice In The Night Seasons Of Life And Magnify The Lord!

“I will bless the LORD who has given me counsel; my heart also instructs me in the night seasons. I have set the LORD always before me; because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved. Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoices; my flesh also will rest in hope.” Psalm 16:7-9

Have you ever gotten up on the wrong side of the bed when it just seemed like there was a heavy cloud over you and you wanted to crawl back under the covers and go back to sleep? There is nothing like that feeling of heaviness! I have experienced this many times during this journey of faith because I knew that the day would be filled with trials and tribulation due to the many setbacks we have experienced during this season of transition. On days like this I have to spend a lot of time in prayer and meditation and allow the Spirit of God to renew my mind so I can enter the day in a mindset of victory!

When I awoke this morning the circumstances in my life were no different and that spirit of heaviness began to come over me and then the voice of the Lord spoke to me and told me to begin speaking blessing and praises from my mouth. It took everything within me to obey! But as I made the decision to obey I opened my mouth and said, “You oh Lord are great and greatly to be praised! You oh Lord are my deliverer and the lifter of my head! You are my strong tower and my fortress of refuge! In You I put my trust; for You and You alone are faithful! Magnify the Lord oh my soul and set His Word before you; for His Word is power! Your Word oh Lord is life giving, strength building, and from it I have abundance in ALL things! Nothing compares to You oh Lord; for You alone are worthy to be praised!”

As I spoke these words there was a war going on in my soul because I am very weary from the battle we are in. My life is in a night season that isn’t displaying any sign of the dawn on the horizon. Therefore my flesh is weak from the battle wounds of trial! But I have come to understand that my strength for today and my hope for tomorrow come from setting the Lord and His Word always before me and magnifying him with a joyful expression of praise each and every day!

His Word has already given me counsel and it says that all my needs are met in Him! All His promises are yes and amen! All my days are to be days that display the splendor of my King! Everything that pertains to life and godliness I have received from my Savior! Nothing can destroy me for I put my hope in Christ alone! The victory belongs to me because I trust in Him! The counsel of His Word is stored up in my heart and it is in this night season where my heart instructs me to hold fast to the promises of God and wait patiently on Him!

Therefore my heart is glad and it instructs me to rejoice in the Lord and magnify His name! In Him there is no shadow of turning so as my heart and mind are fixed on following Him through the darkest hours of this night season; I am steadfast in my faith and cannot be moved from the Rock of my salvation! Jesus Christ alone can understand my pain, my fears, my worries, and my doubts for on the Cross He bore the intensity of my affliction! My heart reminds me that my Savior is not one who does not understand all that I have suffered! It reminds me that I am no longer bound to the yoke of this world and I no longer have to bear the weight of this burden; for Christ’s yoke is easy and His burden is light. And I am bound to Him!

It is when I am obedient to set the Lord and His Word before me each morning where I am empowered in my spirit man to hang on to hope; believing by faith that it is just a matter of time before the victory will manifest in the physical realm! And it is through this conscious act of obedience where my flesh finds rest in that hope and the Spirit of God moves in and dispels the spirit of heaviness that had been trying to overtake me! There is no other way to bring the flesh into the submissive place of rest because our flesh is always at war with our spirit man. Our flesh wants its own way and it wants to act out, but when we make the decision to set the Lord before us each morning and fix our eyes on Him while praising Him with our mouths; our flesh is placed under submission to the Spirit!

Our praises pierce the darkness and drive out the spirit of heaviness! As we magnify the Lord, the enormity of problems shrink and we gain a new prospective! When we peer into the Word of God our eyes are fixed on His truth and we are not moved by what we see happening in the physical realm! As we glorify the Lord for His faithfulness, our minds are renewed to the truth that He will be faithful again! In God there are no night seasons for He is light and when He enters in, the darkness disappears! Rejoice today and sing forth praises from your mouth. Glorify the Lord and lift up His name in all the earth! Stand firm on His promises and let your heart instruct you with the Word of God that is treasured up in it! For His Word is life and it will deliver you from this night season of trial! Believe it! Claim it! Walk in it! And you shall see the day of deliverance break forth on the horizon!

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