Monday, June 7, 2010

Our Delays Are Not God’s Denials!

“For what if some did not believe? Will their unbelief make the faithfulness of God without effect? Certainly not! Indeed, let God be true but every man a liar. As it is written: “That You may be justified in Your words, and may overcome when You are judged.” Romans 3:3-4 NKJ

We are getting ready to embark on the biggest journey of faith we have ever taken in fulfilling God’s call to move to St. Louis, MO to plant a church and open a resource center for people who struggle with life transitions. God laid it on our hearts two years ago this month to make the move. At the time He spoke to us we were ready, willing, and prepared to jump right in and answer the call. With our enthusiasm building with each passing day we fully expected to be in St. Louis within weeks. Our lease was coming up on our house at the end of July and I was laid off of my job at the beginning of July so these were confirmations that we were going to be making the move soon.

An unexpected turn of events delayed our departure and at first we were discouraged. But as we prayed and stood in faith God led me to this passage of Scripture. The Spirit told me I needed to treasure it up in my heart and refer to it often during this season of waiting. It is important for me to share that my husband had gone through 7 surgeries on his arm due to an accident at work and right before God called us to St. Louis he contracted a staph infection that almost killed him. It was a very trying time for us as we walked through that season of trial but we stood in faith with an assurance of his recovery. One of our delays was due to him not being able to leave Phoenix until he was released from doctor’s care. And there were other delays but with each delay we prayed and trusted in God to perform that which He had promised.

At the time we were called we put a price tag on everything we owned and were willing to part with it in order to lighten the load for our journey. In day 167’s devotion I will be sharing this event in detail. We were so prepared to follow God that we didn’t care what we had to let go in order to do it. But even with all we were willing to do to answer the call that didn’t stop delays from occurring. Sometimes they just happen in life and we have no control over them. But what we do have control over is how we approach them and how we respond to them. We chose to approach them in faith and respond to them by putting our trust in the Lord.

We had no idea at the time just how many times over the next two years we would have to face delays but I am glad God prepared our hearts in the early season of delay because if He hadn’t we would have given up hope along the way. The few months delay turned into a year with more obstacles that came into our path. I applied for hundreds of jobs during this time only to be denied for one reason or another. It was as if God was telling us that the doors in Phoenix were permanently closed and we were to keep our eyes focused on His promise. That took great strength of heart because Sam was unable to work due to his injury and not being released to go back to work. But God was faithful to supply during our time of waiting.

A few months turned into a year and we were beginning to question if we had even heard from God and then some faithful friends encouraged us to hang on. And the Spirit reminded us of this passage once again. The place we were living was no longer available and some dear friends opened the door for us to stay in a vacant condominium they owned for as long as we needed. We figured it would be a couple of months and so we gladly accepted the invitation. It is important to know that during our season of delay we moved forward and established our 501c3, our board of directors, prepared seminars, formulated the plan for the church and resource center, and laid the foundation, even though we didn’t see any manifestation of the promise.

In July of 2009 it looked like we had an open door as several people said the Lord spoke to them to help us fulfill this vision. We were so excited because the journey had been so long and the trials so great. We set our departure date for August and began to seek more support. But within weeks that excitement turned to disappointment as those people could not fulfill what they had promised and because Sam received a call that his case for his arm had been delayed. You cannot even imagine how our hearts sunk as this news came! We approached our friends who had given us housing and they told us not to worry about it and again reaffirmed that we could stay as long as we needed.

We had no idea that yet another season of delay was in front of us and the trials we would face during it. But God was faithful through His Word, through His people, and through His Spirit to keep confirming His promise! So we waited and did what we could to provide during this time. We never had more than enough but God supplied daily for our needs. We learned many lessons during this time and grew in wisdom and understanding but these things did not keep doubt from crouching at our door. Each time doubt came we had to battle until it left. It was a great struggle at times but again God was faithful and reassured us of His promise.

To be continued......

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